Legal FAQ
Does the city attorney's office handle landlord/tenant disputes, divorces or any other personal legal problem I may have?
No. The city attorney represents the City of San Angelo as a municipal entity and cannot represent individual citizens in private legal matters.
If an individual desires legal representation in a private matter, then he or she must retain an attorney who has a private practice. The State Bar of Texas has a toll free number for lawyer referral 1-800-252-9690 or you can visit its website at
If the individual makes below a designated income level and qualifies for legal assistance, Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas, 325-653-6982, may provide legal aid. It charges fees based upon a qualifying client's income.
What can the City do when a neighbor’s tree limbs extend over the property onto my property?
Neighborhood disputes are best handled by approaching the neighbor and attempting to arrive at a solution acceptable to both parties. However, this is a private legal matter for which the City Attorney's office can offer no legal advice.
Where can I find out what real property the City has to sell?
Contact the City of San Angelo's Real Estate Division at 325-657-4212.
Does the city attorney's office handle child support issues?