About us

Stormwater runoff is generated when precipitation from rain and snow flows over land or impervious surfaces and does not percolate into the ground. As the runoff flows over the land or impervious surfaces (paved streets, parking lots, concrete and rooftops), it accumulates debris, chemicals, sediment and other pollutants that adversely affect water quality. 

City Hall Annex
301 W. Beauregard Ave.
San Angelo, Texas 76903

8 a.m. to noon
1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Stormwater billing: 325-657-4500
Stormwater Operations: 325-481-2719

The Stormwater Operations Division improves the quality of stormwater runoff through effective maintenance of drainage features, street sweeping, right-of-way maintenance and mowing, and approved methods of herbicide applications. It is also responsible for new construction of drainage structures.

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Impervious surfaces do not allow the absorption of rainwater, and include driveways, sidewalks and rooftops. Impervious materials include asphalt, cement, brick and stone.

What you can do

Stormwater Operations

1943 St. Ann St.
San Angelo, TX 76905

6 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Main: 325-481-2719

Stormwater billing325-657-4500

The Stormwater Operations Division improves the quality of stormwater runoff through effective maintenance of drainage features, street sweeping, right-of-way maintenance and mowing, and approved methods of herbicide applications. It is also responsible for new construction of drainage structures.

The City is also responsible for managing their Stormwater Permit (called an MS4 Permit) as required by State and Federal law.